Wednesday, October 6, 2021

RIP Lizzie Bravo, Apple Scruff Who Sang with the Beatles

 Lizzie Bravo, plucked off the street by Paul McCartney to sing high harmony on "Across the Universe," has died.  

While the Beatles were recording "Across the Universe" at Abbey Road Studios in early 1968, Lizzie and her English friend and fellow Apple Scruff Gayleen Pease had the chance of a lifetime.  John and Paul thought that high harmonies on the line "nothing's going to change my world" would sweeten the track.  As it was Sunday, no backup singers were immediately available, so Paul asked Lizzie and Gayleen if they could "sing high."  They did, spending about two hours in the studio.  Though their vocals were not included on the track eventually released on Let it Be, they can be heard in the on the December 1969 album, No One’s Gonna Change Our World, a benefit disc for the World Wildlife Fund:

Here's Lizzie with Paul and John:

Lizzie Bravo died in her native Brazil at the age of 70.  RIP.  

Friday, October 1, 2021

Interstellar Beatles

Quotations from all four Beatles will grace NASA's Lucy probe, which launches later this month on a journey to Jupiter's Trojan asteroid field.  Words from McCartney, Lennon, Starr, and Harrison join those of Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Jr., Carl Sagan and others on the plaque, meant to inspire future humans who might encounter the spacecraft as it slips away across the universe.