Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Catholic Church Blesses Beatles UPDATED

Father Guido Sarducci, former gossip columnist for L'Osservatore Romano

L'Osservatore Romano
, the official newspaper of the Vatican, announced this week that all is forgiven for the Beatles:

“Their beautiful melodies changed music and continue to give pleasure …what would pop music have been like without the Beatles?”

Lots of snarky comments have met this news, see here, here, and here. If the Vatican's new stance is all about damage control, though, remember that not everyone has forgiven the Beatles: they're still banned in Iran.

UPDATE: See this Catholic News Service story, claiming that the Vatican never cursed the Beatles, even in the throes of the "bigger than Jesus" scandal. The author of this story rightly observes that that comment was widely taken out of context, and, as John explained in 1966, the statement was an observation, not a boast.

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